Giving Thanks

Thanksgiving reminds us that the end of the year is drawing near. And inevitably, the questions start to ricochet in our head. Have we accomplished all we wanted? What goals have we set for the future? Before you get lost in the maelstrom of what could be and what will be, don’t forget to honor what you already have. Giving thanks is an important part of our mental health because it brings us back to the immediate moment.

This year saw many changes on a grand scale, all over the world. Many of us are feeling a bit off balance. So it is vitally important to honor what keeps us here. Take a moment and practice this mindfulness exercise. In the rush of preparation for the holidays, it is easy to lose track of the big picture. By giving thanks, we connect with what keeps us oriented. By staying focused on the balance of life, we are better equipped to address life’s challenges.



Sometimes it is easy to get frustrated with your family. Whether it is the little things, like not feeling appreciated, or larger issues, like disagreements about lifestyle, it is easy to feel like family is more a burden than blessing. But for most of us, our family defined our early life. Our family interactions form the bedrock of our social engagements. And while there is always something we’d like to change in the past, or improve in the future, it’s important we give thanks for our foundational experiences. So recognize the skills you learned at an early age and enumerate how you use them to navigate your current life. You’ll find yourself much better oriented on your life’s journey.



Our community directly impacts our sense of self. Any yet, in the 21st century, the definition of community has taken a radical turn. Social media plays an important part in most people’s lives. Often, community can refer to the contacts in our cell phone. But don’t let that deter you. No matter how much time we stay trapped in our own bubble in a work commute or glued to a monitor, there are plenty of moments for honest connection. Honor and give thanks to the people that make up our immediate community. This includes the people who serve us daily as well as those that we serve.

And no matter someone’s temperament on a single day, people recognize familiar faces and adapt accordingly. If you see someone frequently in your neighborhood, even someone unfriendly or stand-offish, give them recognition through an appropriate greeting. Our survival is dependent on us honoring the human experience and connecting with the larger communities we come to adopt as our own.



Our homes serve as the interface between our family and our community. Oftentimes, we recognize our home as a place to be alone and to recharge. But it is also a place to foster connections. Make space this year to connect with friends and family on your turf. The importance of having a home that reflects your personality is opening honest communication channels. An intentionally organized space is the perfect place to bring together the divergent strands of your life.

And with December right around the corner, it is the perfect time to welcome people into our home. So give thanks for your home, this amazing vehicle that allows us to connect with other people. Before winter descends, it is important to remember we are not alone. Even if our lives are full of loss, there is always opportunity to foster new connections. It begins with assessing what is right before us. So stop and give thanks and invite people into your life.

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Cameron Stuart
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