Why Concrete is Here to Stay

Finally, 2019 is here. And that means, I guess, it’s time to ditch everything from 2018 and jump on whatever design bandwagon is rolling out of the gates on pinterest, instagram, et al. Yep, time to slap on another coat of Pantone color of the year and pray it stays in style long enough for me to get used to it. Sound familiar? Well, in our opinion, following home décor trends too closely can result in design with an expiration date. But not everything has a short shelf life. For one example, look no further than concrete. Yep, that ole workhorse: concrete. But we aren’t talking about rooms bedecked with nothing but miles and miles of the stuff. We’re suggesting something altogether more creative. That’s because concrete actually has tons of applications around the house. This material is only currently very much in style, it is likely something you can wager on sticking around. But why, did I hear you ask? Well, read on to find out.


Masculine energy

Concrete’s masculine energy is probably what it’s best known for. So, no shame putting that trait up on top. Concrete furniture does great in places like a small studio for a single man. But we think that’s a little narrow. To be really honest, concrete is really more neutral while trending masculine (this is quite a technical appraisal). So while it can work as a stand-in for masculine energy, it is actually a bit more versatile. For example, concrete can round off the edges for something that has become too ornate, neither overwhelming nor succumbing to feminine design. In other words, it is great for balance, particularly with embroidered, knitted, or otherwise “craft” objects.

DIY concepts

Another appealing aspect of concrete—it’s the perfect DIY project. For those inclined, concrete is easy to manufacture, and there are plenty of resources online, making it ideal for a do-it-yourself furnishing. Even if you’re a novice, you’ve got to admit—it’d be pretty fun to own and use a table you made yourself. And here’s another idea: purchase a concrete furnishing from the store and supplement it with a home project that uses the material. After all, once you’re inspired by existing designs, you’ll be more ready to try to make your own. With both pieces using the same materialyou’ll get the best of both worlds, and some much cherished unity.



In the end, maybe what I like the most about it is the feel of the stuff. Concrete is a hands-on material. It never loses that raw, unfinished quality, no matter the level of detail put into it. Concrete activates all of your senses, calling out to be handled, and easily standing up to all the love and attention. Concrete furniture is built-to-last, so get ready to cherish it for a lifetime.



The rising popularity of concrete also has strong links to wabi-sabi. This ancient Japanese design style favors the imperfect. So while concrete can add an ultra-contemporary look, it can also, almost magically, impart a timeless quality. That contradiction, emphasizing the personal, the intimate, and the unique, is perhaps concrete’s greatest power. 


Well, we sure have covered a lot of ground. We’ve argued this material is more versatile than a butter knife, encapsulating newness, masculinity, and balance. At the same ever-loving time, it also fulfills an age-old hunger for imperfect, sensual objects with a long-life. Sounds pretty good to us. But there is another, more down-to-Earth reason concrete is the perfect material for home décor. It’s durable. Yeah, that’s a big one. Concrete is resistant to almost anything: stains, scratches, you name it. And if that isn’t enough, the stuff is non-toxic too. Which means its perfect for food preparation and easy to care for, with no need for chemical applications or cleaners. Had enough? There’s more. Sure, it’ll last forever (almost), but don’t forget concrete is 100% recyclable and biodegradable. In other words, using the stuff to decorate your home is a great way to show the environment some love.


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Cameron Stuart
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